The video is of me running a field blank and sample through a filtering apparatus. The sample was collected from Fairhaven Dock.
Over the course of summer/fall 2021, we are collecting 3L of water once a week from the dock to monitor toxic algae. We are quantifying the SxtA gene produced by a genus of dinoflagellates, Alexandrium.
In the video, I run 1.5L of ultrapure water and a 'real sample' through the beta-version filtering apparatus developed by Phytoxigene. The ultrapure water serves as a field blank. Then, I run 3L of the water from Fairhaven Dock through the filer ('real sample').
Again, the filtering apparatus is a test model apparatus built by Phytoxigene.
Phytoxigene is a company that provides assays and standards for the molecular detection and quantification of biotoxin producing genes. Click here to see more from Greg Ford of Phytoxigene
We are using qPCR assays and standards developed by Phytoxigene to detect SxtA. SxtA is the initial gene in the biosynthesis of saxitoxin.