Northwest Indian College Bachelor of Science in Native and Environmental Science Department faculty member, Sylvie Arques, offered a StoryMap (ESRI) workshop for science/BSNES Faculty and staff this week. I learned how to use the StoryMap, a web mapping application that incorporates multimedia.
Story Maps website: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/ (Links to an external site.)
ESRI Tribal Story Map Challenge https://www.esri.com/en-us/industries/government/departments/tribal/tribal-challenge/overview (Links to an external site.)
Battiste, M., 2008. Research Ethics for Protecting Indigenous Knowledge and Heritage: Institutional and Researcher Responsibilities. InK Denzin, Y.S. Lincoln & L.T. Smith (Eds.) Handbook of Critical and Indigenous Methodologies (pp. 497-509). Los Angeles: SAGE